Retain high bullion integrity in a professional vault

Retain high bullion integrity in a professional vault
Good Delivery bars have high integrity because they have never been in private possession. From the day they're first manufactured they are kept in bullion vaults recognized and monitored by the local gold dealing community. Every time bars are moved - by accredited bullion couriers - a careful record is maintained, showing continuous storage through trusted hands. This guarantees gold bar integrity in a way that keeping gold at home, or even in safety deposit boxes, simply cannot match.
The result is that a professional buyer's vault will accept deliveries of these bars direct from the seller's vault without re-checking their purity. The seller gets paid quickly and efficiently, and bullion trading costs are much reduced for both buyer and seller. This is what Good Delivery bars are all about, and it's why the high volume, high integrity, professional bullion market is the only place where a sale of gold nets the seller the widely published bullion price.
Good Delivery bars are large - usually 400 troy ounces each (12.4kg), and at $1,600 an ounce that's $640,000 a bar.

Yet even having enough money to buy a whole bar or two only solves half the problem. You still need that key relationship with a formally recognized bullion vault to look after the gold while you own it. Otherwise your gold loses its guaranteed acceptance as 'Good Delivery', and cannot easily be sold at full price. But those vaults are ultra-cautious and typically don't deal with the general public. Even if you did spend the considerable time, cost and effort of setting up a vaulting account with one of them you'd find the minimum monthly storage fee means you'd need about 15 big bars of gold to get an economic rate for bar storage.
These are the barriers which keep private users out of the professional bullion market.
Direct Access To The Best Gold Prices changes all this. It enables people from all over the world to own professional market gold and keep it in any quantity in officially recognized bullion vaults in one or more of several different vaulting locations worldwide.
All BullionVault gold is held in Good Delivery form. So when you come to sell, your buyer is able to trust the purity and weight of your gold, which is guaranteed by BullionVault itself, because we know that you never had the opportunity to corrupt it.
Most people who buy gold don't stop to consider how important bullion integrity is going to be when they come to sell, but it will be critical to the price they get. Too much money is lost by gold investors who find out that lower integrity bullion has a higher premium and simply does not fetch the spot price when it is handed back over the counter. The round-trip dealing costs (i.e. buying and selling) for bullion coins and small bars is usually about 7% to 10%, and it stretched to 20% in late 2008.
Your trading costs on BullionVault are much lower. When you buy or sell you pay a commission whose maximum rate is 0.5%, falling progressively when you invest above $75,000 to just 0.05%. The round-trip costs you 1% on small amounts, falling to an incredible 0.1% for larger customers.
You can start buying gold in amounts as low as 1 gram which is much smaller than the smallest coin. There's no upper limit. You can deal thousands of ounces if you want to. In fact you should call us (+44 20 8600 0130) if you want to deal more than 800 oz. We can save you even more money on orders of this size.
Storage charges are very low too. BullionVault charges 0.12% pa ($4 per month minimum) with insurance included. That's less than a tenth of the storage fees charged by retail banks, and less than a third of the annual fees charged by typical exchange-traded gold funds, known as Gold ETFs. (We'll explain later how banks' use of allocated/unallocated gold causes them to grossly overcharge for bullion storage.)

Buy Gold

 Buy Gold
Gold Bullion Bar
What are the best ways to buy gold? And where to buy gold for the best price? That's what we'll explain on this page.

We'll show you how professionals have arranged the world gold market so that they can deal physical bullion gold much cheaper and much more safely than you.

Then we'll show you how you can participate in their professional market.

To do that we'll introduce you to BullionVault. We'll also tell you about the other ways you might choose to buy gold : i.e. coins and small bars, ETFs, certificates, gold futures and mining stocks. When you've understood these alternatives we're sure you'll have even more confidence you're making the right choice with BullionVault.

More than 55,000 people from 175 countries use BullionVault.

In the last two years they bought more gold through BullionVault than through any other direct bullion ownership service in the world.

BullionVault now stores over 32 tonnes of gold, which is much more than most of the world's central banks. Every ounce is owned privately, by people like you, and stored in the accredited professional bullion market vault of their choice, in one of several different vaulting locations worldwide.

OK then? Now you know you're not wasting your valuable time let's get on with understanding how the professional gold market works, and how lets you use it.

Gold Bars, Good Delivery, and the Professional Gold Market
Fine gold is 100% pure gold
Retain high bullion integrity in a professional vault
Direct Access To The Best Gold Prices
Save money with our gold exchange
Your Safety and Security Assured
Important concerns when Buying Gold
Delivery at BullionVault
Other Ways of Buying Gold
Gold Coins
Gold certificates and unallocated gold
Gold Futures
Gold ETFs
Gold Mining Stocks
The Best Way to Buy Gold
Gold Bars, Good Delivery, and the Professional Gold Market

The most competitive gold prices in the world, the ones you see published in the papers and on the internet, are enjoyed by the participants in the professional bullion market:- gold dealers, refiners, government agencies, bullion banks and the occasional big investment organization.
This professional market only deals in what are known as Good Delivery bars. If you're not trading these bars you are excluded, both from their market and from their very competitive prices, which means you'll pay more when you buy and receive less when you sell.
Fine gold is 100% pure gold

Good Delivery bars are cast by a small group of precious metal refiners accredited by the professional bullion dealing community. They are accurately assayed and guaranteed always 99.5% pure gold or better. The market trades their pure gold content (gross bar weight x purity) which is known as fine gold, so no-one who trades professional market bullion ever pays for impurities.

Legea Cauzalitatii in tehnicile Gann

Miscare de acceleratie a pretului absolut superba pe perechea EUR/USD pornita pe nivelul de suport dinamic al unghiului 1x1 aflat in confluenta cu nivelul de rezistenta timp de 33%. Dupa cum putem sa observam in graficul nostru de mai sus pretul si-a finalizat miscarea descendenta pe nivelul de suport dinamic al unghiului 1x1 exact in momentul in care s-a izbit de nivelul de rezistenta timp de 12,50%. Dar de ce a realizat acest bottom major chiar acolo si chiar atunci? Iata o intrebare al carui raspuns este extrem de important. Gann afirma ca in piata ceea ce a mai fost va mai fi. Miscarile de pret respecta anumite patternuri armonice ciclice. Ca sa gasim raspuns la aceasta intrebare ar trebui sa ne intoarcem in timp. Urmariti cu atentie graficul de mai jos.
Dupa cum putem sa vedem pretul a realizat un double bottom. Cand s-a finalizat cel de-al doilea picior al patternului ? In momentul in care pretul se gasea pe nivelul de suport dinamic al unghiului 2x1 aflat in confluenta cu nivelul de rezistenta de 12,5% timp. Revenim la primul grafic si ce observam? Cand s-a format bottom-ul? In momentul in care pretul se gasea pe suportul dinamic al unghiului 1x1 aflat in confluenta cu nivelul de rezistenta de 12,5% timp. Este aici o coincidenta? Vorbim de o simpla intamplare? Personal nu cred in intamplari. Tot ce se petrece in lume se supune legii cauzalitatii. Totul are o cauza ce genereaza un efect. Credinta lui W.D.Gann a fost ca atunci cand invatam sa citim cauzele putem sa predictionam cu exactitate efectele. Tehnica de tranzactionare Gann ne pune la dispozitie o serie de instrumente matematice ce permit determinarea cauzelor si a efectelor lor.
Sunt intrebat de foarte multe ori: Ce va face pretul? Urca? Stagneaza? Coboara? Cand si pana unde va evolua pretul? Raspunsurile la toate aceste intrebari le gasim in grafic. Dar nimeni nu poate sa faca tranzactii corecte cu grafice "aproximative".

Cursul de tranzactionare Gann, pe care il vom incepe saptamana viitoare, ne va invata pas cu pas :
-Scalarea graficelor.
-Setarea instrumentelor de timp si de pret.
-Determinarea vibratiilor Gann
-Constructia corecta a unghiurilor
-Citirea graficelor Gann
-Determinarea nivelelor de intrare intr-o tranzactie
-Stabilirea nivelelor de stop loss
-Calcularea raportului Risc-Profit
-Filtrarea tranzactiilor
-Managerizarea tranzactiilor
-Iesirea dintr-o tranzactie
Cursul se va desfasura prin email si dureaza  11 zile.
Pe parcursul cursului toate tehnicile vor fi ilustrate cu exemple practice, pas cu pas, din piata Forex curenta.
Cursul se sustine in limba romana. Studentii din strainatate pot sa-l traduca cu ajutorul google translate. Cursul este insotit de foarte multe exemple grafice, practice. In cazul in care studentii din strainatate vor avea neclaritati datorate traducerii automate cu google translate vor putea sa puna intrebari concrete si vor primi raspunsurile in limba engleza.

Inscrierile la curs se fac la adresa de email
Plata se face prin paypal.
Fiecare student incepe cursul imediat dupa confirmarea platii si finalizeaza dupa 11 zile.
Pe tot parcursul cursului studentii pot sa puna intrebari asupra tematicilor abordate. 

Indicele dolarului se apropie de targetul nostru

Pe data de 11 ianuarie 2016, postam pe blog o analiza pe indicele dolarului american in care specificam ca desi indicele se gaseste intr-un raliu dar... :"Cu toate acestea nu vom deschide o pozitie long pe indicele dolarului. Din punctul nostru de vedere indicele dolarului se gaseste intr-o structura corectiva negativa ce ar putea trimite pretul spre 96.50. Vom astepta finalizarea acestui raliu ,cel mai probabil in zona lui 99.50/100, pentru o posibila pozitie short cu un prim target la 98.45 si un al doilea target la 96.50."
Predictia noastra de tranzactionare a fost confirmata in totalitate de piata si iata ca acum ne gasim in zona lui 96.50. De ce consideram noi atunci ca pretul va ajunge pe zona de suport de la 96.50? Raspunsul este foarte simplu: vibratia pretului in timp ne sugera intr-un mod mai mult decat evident acest lucru.
W.D.Gann considera ca fiecare instrument financiar are propria sa vibratie de pret in timp si cheia pentru orice trader ca acesta sa ajunga unul de succes este sa invete sa citeasca vibratia acelui instrument financiar. Dupa cum se poate vedea in graficul nostru de mai sus, indicele dolarului a consolidat pe unghiul 1x1 mult timp, de la inceputul lunii decembrie si pana la inceputul lunii februarie. De ce a decis pretul ca tocmai acum sa se indrepte grabit spre tinta noastra de pret de la 96.50? Pentru ca deabia acum pretul s-a izbit de nivelul de rezistenta timp de 75%. Am mai spus de multe ori pe acest blog ca W.D.Gann considera ca timpul este mai important decat pretul.
Incepand cu saptamana viitoare vom deschide un curs scurt de studiu "Determinarea practica a vibratiilor in piata FOREX". Cursul va fi eminamente practic, cu exemple concrete, din piata FOREX si va prezenta pas cu pas tehnica de determinare a vibratiilor cu ajutorul instrumentelor Gann.
Detalii si inscrieri pe 

GBP/USD marcheaza cel de-al treilea target la +381 pips

Dupa cum stiti deja, in buletinul de analiza saptamanala Gann, am recomandam clientilor nostri sa cumpere lira sterlina versus dolarul american. Piata a confirmat asteptarile noastre si in acest moment pretul a marcat cel de-al treilea target al nostru de la 1.46 (pe care l-am postat dimineata pe tweeter). Marcam partial profitul la +381 pips. Ramanem long in free trade.

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USD/CHFpe prima zona de targetare

In buletinul de analiza saptamanala Gann semnalam clientilor nostri sa vanda USD/CHF cu o prima zona de targetare pe linia de suport a canalului corectiv. Daca linia de suport a structurii corective zilnice va fi sparta un al doilea target ar putea sa fie in zona lui 0.98.
Dupa cum se poate vedea in graficul nostru de mai sus pretul a confirmat analiza noasra si in acest moment ne gasim in zona de suport a canalului corectiv. Marcam partial profitul la +146 de pips, mutam stop loss la BE+ si ramanem short in free trade.

Inscrieri la buletinul de analiza saptamanala Gann pe email

Eur/Usd pe prima zona de targetare la +222 pips

In imaginea de mai sus se poate vedea graficul de analiza zilnic trimis abonatilor la buletinul de analiza saptamanala Gann. Piata a respectat scenariul nostru de tranzactionare si dupa cum se poate vedea in graficul de mai jos in acest moment ne apropiem de cel de-al doilea target vizat de noi.
Am marcat profitul realizat la +222 de pips , am mutat nivelul de stop loss la BE+, ramanem long in free trade.

Inscrieri la buletinul de analiza saptamanala Gann pe email